🏛️ Vaults

Currently, Osiris offers trait farming strategy vaults for each DN404 collections we support. Vaults with various strategies could be supported in the future.

This strategy allows users to deposit their NFT to the vault to reroll it's trait to what the user want. Users can farm rare traits to maximize the profitability, or hunt specific traits to customize their own PFPs.

Depositing a NFT

Users can deposit their 404 NFT with setting the desired trait criteria. For example in Asterix, a user can deposit a NFT with * tier, and set the target trait to ***** tier.

Deposited NFTs are queued based on the desired trait criteria. Reroll is performed in a first-in-first-out (FIFO) manner- the earlier you deposit your token for a specific trait, the earlier you get the desired trait. In above example, users with targeting ***** tier is queued together.

Vault Operation

Our operator node constantly rerolls deposited NFTs' trait by transferring the token in fractional amounts over and over. As described above, the operation is a first-in-first-out (FIFO) manner- the eariler you stake your token, the eariler you get the output.

The operation is handled by run() function in our vault contract. This function is called at:

  • When a user deposits to the vault

  • Periodically, by operator nodes run by Osiris team

Withdrawing or Claiming a NFT

Users can withdraw their NFT anytime with no cost before the vault farms the desired trait.

After a vault farms a desired trait for your NFT, the vault charges an operation fee with gas costs incurred during the operation (usually less than 0.015 ETH). The owner can decide whether to:

  • Claim the new NFT: the user is required to pay the fee in ETH

  • Withdraw their original NFT: the user doesn't pay any fees and gives up the new NFT. the new NFT will be passed to the next in the desired trait queue.

If the owner doesn't claim the NFT for 1 days, it automatically goes to the next user in the queue. Regardless of claiming the farmed NFT, the queue will still operate.

Operation Fees

Operation fees are charged against the 1-day TWAP price (Time Weighted Average Price) of the collection in Uniswap V2, with adding gas cost while operating a vault.

The maximum gas cost and fee ratio (initial 3%) are parameters that can be subject to change through the governance.


In the future, additional vaults with different strategies can be deployed by the Osiris Team or the community through governance.

Last updated